Welcome to Terra

We believe coffee is not just a drink, it's something more. It's an early morning kick, a pick me up on a long day, or something we enjoy either alone or with great company. Whichever way you chose to have it, our roasts will provide you with everything from great pour overs to espressos!

  • Tips for Acidic Coffee

    Acidic coffee is often accompanied by various flavors such as citrus, fruity, floral, and bright notes. These beans are often times roasted to a light medium roast profile. These types of roasts do take well to sugar or syrups, but it doesn't take much to bring out the flavor of an acidic coffee bean. Find what works best for you!

  • Tips for Bitter Coffee

    When you think of bitter coffee, think of the bitterness that dark chocolate gives you. This roast tends to be between medium and dark. Bitter roasts give a smooth flavors that are bold, subtle fruit, and dark chocolate. This roast takes well to milk, half and half, and cream. Sugars and syrups can be added to without sacrificing any flavor. This roast is also a great choice for espresso!

  • Espresso Tips

    Espresso shots can be tricky, and often times people aren't sure of where to start. So here are a few tips for making great espresso. Having the right grinder and dialing in your espresso machine come first. We recommend 18g of coffee for each double shot with a pull time of 25-30 seconds. We aim to get 32-38g of espresso when complete!